Reserve Textbooks

Many required textbooks are available for 3-hour checkout at the Library Services Desk or the CRC Circulation Desk in Beeghly Hall. Available textbooks are listed below by course number.

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  1. Check Maag's Library Catalog. For help, view the Finding Books in Maag Tutorial.
  2. Search the OhioLINK Catalog to borrow from other libraries in Ohio. Books can be delivered free of cost to Maag Library in about 3-5 business days. Visit OhioLINK Borrowing Services or the OhioLINK Tutorial for help.
 Textbook List
Course Textbook Author Call Number Location
ACCT 1503 Survey of Accounting (9TH ED 2021) Warren, Carl HF5636 .W338 2021x MAAG
ACCT 2602 Financial Accounting Fundamentals (8TH ED) Wild, John J. HF5635 .W694 2022
ACCT 2603 Financial & Managerial Accounting: Information for Decisions (9TH ED) Wild, John J. HF5636 .W674 2022 MAAG
ACCT 3701 Financial Accounting Exam Questions & Explanations (22ND ED 2022) Gleim, Irwin N. PERSBK/LAW, DAVID/ACCOUNTING & FINANCE MAAG
ACCT 3702 Intermediate Accounting (18TH ED 2022) Kieso, Donald E. ON ORDER MAAG
ADV 3710 The Practice of Public Relations (13TH ED 2017) Seitel, Fraser HM1221 .S45 MAAG
ADV 3711 Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective (13TH ED 2024) Belch, George E. HF5823 .B387 2024 MAAG
AFST 2600 Before the Mayflower: A History of the Negro in America, 1619-1962 Bennett, Lerone E185 .B4 1964 MAAG
AFST 2600 Autobiography of Malcolm X Malcolm X / Haley, Alex BP223.Z8 L57943 2015x MAAG
AFST 2600 Introduction to Black Studies (2ND ED) Karenga, Maulana E185 .K27 1993 MAAG
AFST 2600 Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass Douglass, Frederick E449 .D749 2001x MAAG
AFST 2601 From Slavery to Freedom (10TH ED 2021) Franklin, John Hope E185 .F8266 2022x MAAG
AHLT 1501 Mosby's Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Health Professions (10TH ED) Mosby R121 .M89 2017 MAAG
AHLT 1501 Programmed Learning Approach to Medical Terminology (3RD ED) Nath, Judi Lindsley R123 .W4758 2020x MAAG
AHLT 2605 Focus on Pharmacology: Essentials for Health Professionals (3RD ED 2018) Moini, Jahangir RM300 .M63 2018 MAAG
AHLT 3704 Statistics for the Health Sciences: A Non-Mathematical Introduction (2012) Dancey, Christine RA409 .D32 2012x MAAG
AHLT 3711 Informatics and Nursing (6TH ED 2019) Sewell, Jeanne RT50.5 .T483 2019 MAAG
AHLT 3740 Control of Communicable Diseases (21ST ED 2022) Heymann, David L. RA643 .C72 2022x MAAG
ALCS 3757 High Cost of Good Intentions: A History of U.S. Federal Entitlement Programs (2017) Cogan, John F. HJ7543 .C64 2017 MAAG
ALCS 3758 Effective Management of Long-Term Care Facilities (4th ED 2023) Singh, Douglas A. RA999.A35 S56 2023 MAAG
ANTH 1500 Anthropology: Appreciating Human Diversity (19TH ED 2022) Kottak, Conrad Phillip GN316 .K638 2022x MAAG
ANTH 1503 Ancient Civilizations (5TH ED 2021) Scarre, Chris CB311 .S33 2021 MAAG
ANTH 2600 Anatomy and Biology of the Human Skeleton (1988) Steele, D. Gentry GN70 .S78 1988 MAAG
ANTH 2600 Human Osteology (3RD ED 2012) Steele, D. Gentry EBOOK: SCIENCE DIRECT MAAG
ANTH 2600 Photographic Atlas for Physical Anthropology (3RD ED 2012) Whitehead, Paul F. AT BINDERY MAAG
ANTH 3701 Statistics: A Tool for Social Research and Data Analysis (11TH ED 2021) Healey HA29 .H39 2021 MAAG
ANTH 3704 Introduction to Primate Conservation (2016) Wich, Serge A. EBOOK: EBC MAAG
ANTH 3704 The Natural History of Primates: A Systematic Survey of Ecology and Behavior Sussman, Robert W. QL737.P9 N356 2023 MAAG
ANTH 3705 Essentials of Cultural Anthropology: A Toolkit for a Global Age (4TH ED 2023) Guest, Kenneth J. GN316 .G845 2023 MAAG
ANTH 3761M In Small Things Forgotten: An Archaeology of Early American Life (REV ED 1996) Deetz, James F6 .D43 1996 MAAG
ANTH 3761M We Are What We Eat : Ethnic Food and the Making of Americans (1998) Gabaccia, Donna R. GT2853.U5 G33 1998 MAAG
ANTH 4850 The Practice of Social Research (13TH ED) Babbie, Earl R. H62 .B2 2013 MAAG
ART 1501
ART 1502
Launching the Imagination: A Comprehensive Guide to Basic Design (6TH ED) Stewart, Mary NK1510 .S74 2018 MAAG
ART 1521
ART 1522
Drawing Essentials: A Complete Guide to Drawing (4TH ED) Rockman, Deborah NC735 .R624 2021 MAAG
ART 1529 Design Basics (9TH ED 2016) Pentak, Stephen NK1510 .L38 2016x MAAG
ART 1531 Design Basics (9TH ED 2016) Pentak, Stephen NK1510 .L38 2016x MAAG
ART 1541 Gardner's Art through the Ages: A Global History (16TH ED 2020) Kleiner, Fred S. N5300 .G25 2020x MAAG
ART 1544 Gardner's Art through the Ages: A Global History (16TH ED 2020) Kleiner, Fred S. N5300 .G25 2020x MAAG
ART 2674 Digital Photography: A Basic Manual (1ST ED) Horenstein, Henry TR267 .H67 2011 MAAG
ART 3723 Vitamin D3: Today's Best in Contemporary Drawing (2022) Phaidon NC96 .V583 2022 MAAG
ART 3737 Children and Their Art Day, Michael N362 .D39 2012 CRC
ART 3740A History of Roman Art (2ND ED 2018) Kleiner, Fred S. N5760 .K54 2018 MAAG
ART 4836 Teaching & Learning in Art Education : Cultivating Students' Potential from Pre-K through High School Sickler-Voigt, Debrah C. N88 .S535 2020 MAAG
ASL 1550 Signing Naturally Student Workbook: Units 1-6 Smith, Cheri HV2474 .S34 2008x MAAG
ASTR 1504 Lecture-Tutorials for Introductory Astronomy (4TH ED/2018) Prather, Edward PERSBK/ASTRONOMY DEPARTMENT MAAG
ASTR 1504 Astronomy Fraknoi, Andrew QB43.3 .F73 2017x MAAG
ASTR 2609 Introduction to the Solar System (3RD ED 2018) Rothery, David A. QB501 .I59 2018x MAAG
ASTR 3712 Extragalactic Astronomy & Cosmology: An Introduction (2ND ED 2014) Schneider, Peter ASTRO PHYSICS 2
ASTR 3712 An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics (2ND ED 2017) Carroll, Bradley PERSBK/DURRELL, PATRICK/ASTRONOMY MAAG
ASTR 4811 To Measure the Sky (2ND ED 2016) Chromey, Fredrick R. PERSBK/FELDMEIER, JOHN/ASTRONOMY MAAG
BIOL 1545 Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology (12TH ED) Marieb, Elaine Nicpon QP34.5 .M455 2018 MAAG
BIOL 1552 Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity of Form & Function (10TH ED) Saladin, Kenneth S. QP34.5 .S23 2024 MAAG
BIOL 1552 Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity of Form & Function (9TH ED) Saladin, Kenneth S. QP34.5 .S35 2021x MAAG
BIOL 1560 Microbiology A Systems Approach (7TH ED) Cowan, M. Kelly QR41.2 .C69 2024x MAAG
BIOL 2601
BIOL 2603H
Principles of Biology (4TH ED) Brooker, Robert J. QH308.2 .B75 2024 MAAG
BIOL 3702 Prescott's Microbiology (11TH ED) Willey QR41.2 .P74 2020 MAAG
BIOL 3703 Immune System (5th ED 2021) Parham,Peter QR181 .P335 2021 MAAG
BIOL 3705 Introduction to Human Gross Anatomy (5TH ED 2020) Womble, Mark   MAAG
BIOL 3705 Introduction to Human Gross Anatomy: A Regional Guide (2ND ED) Womble, Mark QM23.2 .W653 2017 MAAG
BIOL 3730 Human Physiology (16TH ED 2022) Fox, Stuart QP34.5 .F68 2022 MAAG
BIOL 3730 Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach (7TH ED) Silverthorn, Dee QP34.5 .S55 2016 MAAG
BUS 3700 Business Analytics: Methods, Models, and Decisions (3RD ED) Evans, James R. HD30.28 .E824 2020 MAAG
BUS 3710 Storytelling with Data (2015 ED) Knaflic, Cole Nussbaumer EBOOK: OHIOLINK EBC MAAG
BUS 3715 International Business: The New Realities (6TH ED) Knight, Gary HD62.4 .C389 2025 MAAG
BUS 3770 Business Analytics: Methods, Models, and Decisions (3RD ED) Evans, James R. HD30.28 .E824 2020 MAAG
CCET 2604 Applied Strength of Materials (7TH ED 2022) Mott, Robert TA405 .M68 2022x MAAG
CEEN 2601 Engineering Mechanics: Statics (14TH ED) Hibbeler, Russell C. TA351 .H5 2016 MAAG
CEEN 2602 Mechanics of Materials (9TH ED) Gere, James M. TA405 .G44 2018 MAAG
CEEN 2610 Surveying Fundamentals & Practices (7TH ED) Nathanson, Jerry A. TA545 .N28 2017 MAAG
CHEM 1500 21st Century Chemistry (2ND ED 2019) Waldron, Kimberley QD33.2 .W35 2019 MAAG
CHEM 1501 Basic Chemistry (6TH ED) Timberlake, Karen C. QD31.3 .T54 2019 MAAG
CHEM 1510 Chemistry: An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry (13TH ED) Timberlake, Karen C. QD31.3 .T55 2017 MAAG
CHEM 2604 Quantitative Chemical Analysis (10TH ED 2020) Harris, Daniel PERSBK/SIMEONSSON, JOE/CHEMISTRY MAAG
CHEM 3761 Chemistry of Polymers (5TH ED 2017) Nicholson, John W. ON ORDER MAAG
CHEM 3764 Casarett & Doull's Essentials of Toxicology (4TH ED 2021) Klaassen, Curtis RA1211 .C298 2021x MAAG
CHEM 3785 Fundamentals of Biochemistry: Life at the Molecular Level (5TH ED 2016) Voet, Donald QD415 .V65 2016 MAAG
CHEM 3786 Fundamentals of Biochemistry (5TH ED 2016) Voet, Donald QD415 .V65 2016 MAAG
CHEM 5804 Principles of Instrumental Analysis (7TH ED 2018) Skoog, Douglas PERSBK/LINKOUS, CLOVIS/CHEMISTRY MAAG
CHEM 6921 Biochemistry (4TH ED 2011) Voet, Donald   MAAG
CHEN 2684 Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes (4TH ED 2019) Felder, Richard M. TP155.7 .F44 2019 MAAG
CHFM 1514 Foundations of Early Childhood Education Gonzalez-Mena, Janet LB1139.23 .G65 2020 CRC
CHFM 2650 Assessment in Early Childhood Education Wortham, Sue Clark LB3060.217 .W67 2020 CRC
CHFM 3750 Home, School, and Community Collaboration Grant, Kathy Beth LC225.3 .G73 2024 CRC
CMST 1545 Experience Communication (3RD ED) Child, Jeffrey P91.3 .C45 2023 MAAG
CMST 2600 Insight into Innovation: Applying Communication Theory in Our Web 2.0 Lives Curnalia, Rebecca P91 .C87 2016 MAAG
CMST 2610 Communication & Culture in Your Life (2014) Wahl, Shawn T. PERSBK/TYUS,JEFF/COMMUNICATION MAAG
CMST 2654 Community Organizing: Theory and Practice McKnight, Joyce HM766 .M43 2015 MAAG
CMST 2655 Communication in Groups & Organizations Pearson Learning Solutions HD30.3 .C54 2015x MAAG
CMST 2656 The Interpersonal Communication Book (15TH ED) Devito, Joseph A. PERSBK/MERMER, DORIAN/COMMUNICATION MAAG
CMST 3700 Principles of Research in Communication (2002) Stewart, Thomas D. P91.3 .S73 2002 MAAG
CMST 4859 Organizational Culture & Leadership (5TH ED 2017) Schein, Edgar CMST 4859/ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURES
COUN 1587 Wellness Counseling Granello, Paul R727.4 .W45 2013 CRC
COUN 1587 The Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook Davis, Martha RA785 .D374 2008 CRC
COUN 1587 Mind Body Health Karren, Keith RC49 .M522 2014 CRC
COUN 1588 Exploring Leadership Komives, Susan R. LB3605 .K64 2013 CRC
COUN 2650/2651 Learning the Art of Helping Young, Mark E. BF636.6 .Y68 2017 CRC
COUN 2650/2651 When Psychological Problems Mask Medical Disorders Morrison, James RC455.4 .B5 M67 2015 CRC
COUN 2652 Introduction to Addictive Behaviors Thombs, Dennis L. RC564 .T55 2019 CRC
COUN 5898 Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Counseling Remly, Theodore P. BF636.67 .R46 2025 CRC
COUN 6900 Exercises in Helping Skills Egan, Gerard BF637 .C6 E392 2019x CRC
COUN 6900 The Skilled Helper Egan, Gerard BF637 .C6 E39 2018x CRC
COUN 6900 Thoughts & Feelings: Taking Control of Your Moods & Your Life McKay, Matthew RC489 .C63 M34 2021 CRC
COUN 6902 A Contemporary Approach to Substance Use Disorders and Addiction Counseling Brooks, Ford RC564 .B74 2023 CRC
COUN 6902 Drugs, Society & Human Behavior Hart, Carl L. RM316 .H37 2022 CRC
COUN 6903 The Addiction Treatment Planner Perkinson, Robert R. RC564.15 .P47 2014 CRC
COUN 6903 Beautiful Boy Sheff, David HV5831 .C2 S54 2009 CRC
COUN 6903 Blackout Hepola, Sarah HV5293 .H36 A3 2016x CRC
COUN 6903 Broken Moyers, William Cope HV5805 .M68 M68 2007x CRC
COUN 6903 Motivational Interviewing Miller, William R. RC533 .M46 2023 CRC
COUN 6903 Substance Abuse and Addiction Treatment Lewis, Todd F. RC564 .L494 2023x CRC
COUN 6910 Family Therapy: History, Theory, and Practice Gladding, Samuel T. RC488.5 .G535 2019 CRC
COUN 6910 The Life Span: Human Development for Helping Professionals Broderick, Patricia BF713 .B755 2025x CRC
COUN 6910 Transforming Families Martin, Don RC488.5 .M3692 2013x CRC
COUN 6920 Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Counseling Remly, Theodore P. BF636.67 .R46 2025 CRC
COUN 6930 College Counseling and Student Development   LB2343 .C6125 2020 CRC
COUN 6930 Group Work and Outreach Plans for College Counselors Fitch, Trey LB2343 .G67 2011 CRC
COUN 6940 Atlas of the Heart Brown, Brené BF637 .S4 B8117 2022 CRC
COUN 6940 The Life Span: Human Development for Helping Professionals Broderick, Patricia BF713 .B755 2025x CRC
COUN 6961 Ethics and Law: School Counseling Principles Stone, Carolyn B. LB1027.5 .S786 2022x CRC
COUN 6961 Reign of Error Ravitch, Diane LB2806.36 .R38 2013 CRC
COUN 6961 Transforming the School Counseling Profession Erford, Bradley T. LB1027.5 .T65 2019 CRC
COUN 6964 Principles and Applications of Assessment in Counseling Whiston, Susan C. BF637 .C6 W467 2017 CRC
COUN 6968 Program Evaluation in Practice Spaulding, Dean T. LB2822.75 .S69 2014 CRC
COUN 6968 Research Design in Counseling Heppner, P. Paul BF637 .C6 H42 2016 CRC
COUN 6972 Essentials of Career Focused Counseling Luke, Chad HF5381 .L773 2018 CRC
COUN 6973 Groups: A Counseling Specialty Gladding, Samuel T. BF636.7 .G76 G55 2020 CRC
COUN 6976 Counseling the Culturally Diverse Sue, Derald Wing BF637 .C6 S85 2022 CRC
COUN 6980 Diagnosis Made Easier Morrison, James RA469 .M67 2024 CRC
COUN 6980 Treating Those with Mental Disorders Kress, Victoria RC473 .C37 K74 2019 CRC
COUN 6991 Family Therapy: History, Theory, and Practice Gladding, Samuel T. RC488.5 .G535 2019 CRC
COUN 6995 Principles of Trauma Therapy Briere, John RC552 .P67 B7495 2015 CRC
COUN 6995 Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence Herman, Judith Lewis RC552 .P67 H47 2022x CRC
COUN 6995 Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders in Adults   RC552 .P67 T763 2020 CRC
COUN 7001 Treating Those with Mental Disorders Kress, Victoria RC473 .C37 K74 2019 CRC
COUN 7003 Brief Counseling That Works Sklare, Gerald B. LB1027.5 .S4862 2014 CRC
COUN 7003 Counseling Children and Adolescents Kress, Victoria BF636.6 .K74 2018 CRC
COUN 7003 Motivational Interviewing in Schools Herman, Keith C. LB1027.5 .H4367 2021 CRC
COUN 7004 Helping Skills for Working with College Students Burke, Monica Galloway LB2342.9 .B87 2017 CRC
COUN 7007 CBT Express McClure, Jessica M. RJ505 .C63 M332 2019 CRC
COUN 7007 The School Counselor's Guide to Surviving the First Year Couch, Heather M. LB1027.5 .C68 2020x CRC
COUN 7018 Counseling Children and Adolescents Kress, Victoria BF636.6 .K74 2018 CRC
COUN 7019 ASCA National Model American School Counselor Association LB1027.5 .A433 2019x CRC
COUN 7019 Making DATA Work Young, Anita LB2822.75 .Y68 2018x CRC
COUN 7019 School Counseling to Close Opportunity Gaps Holcomb-McCoy, Cheryl LB1027.5 .H635 2022 CRC
COUN 7019 Unconscious Bias in Schools Benson, Tracy A. LC212.2 .B46 2020x CRC
COUN 7023 Student Development in College Patton, Lori LB2343.4 .P38 2016 CRC
COUN 7026 Good Practice in Student Affairs Blimling, Gregory LB2342.9 .G66 1999 CRC
COUN 7031 Treating Those with Mental Disorders Kress, Victoria RC473 .C37 K74 2019 CRC
COUN 7034 Handbook of Psychological Assessment Groth-Marnat, Gary BF176 .G76 2016 CRC
COUN 7040 Case Conceptualization and Treatment Planning Berman, Pearl RC473 .C37 B47 2019 CRC
COUN 7040 Clinical Supervision in the Helping Professions Corey, Gerald RC480.5 .C58 2021 CRC
COUN 7040 The Complete Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner Jongsma, Arthur E. RC480.5 .J663 2021x CRC
COUN 7043 45 Techniques Every Counselor Should Know Erford, Bradley T. BF636.6 .E74 2020 CRC
COUN 7044 The Handbook of Student Affairs Administration McClellan, George S. LB2342.92 .B37 2016 CRC
COUN 7046 Assessment in Student Affairs Schuh, John H. LB2342.9 .S37 2016 CRC
CRJS 1500 American System of Criminal Justice (16TH ED 2019) Cole, George F. KF9223 .C648 2019x MAAG
CRJS 1500 Introduction to Criminal Justice: Practice & Process (5TH ED) Peak, Kenneth HV9950 .P4293 2024 MAAG
CRJS 1500 Criminal Justice Today: An Introductory Text for the Twenty-First Century (15TH ED) Schmalleger, Frank HV9950 .S35 2019 MAAG
CRJS 2601 Police in America (2ND ED) Brandl, Steven G. HV8139 .B736 2021 MAAG
CRJS 2602 America's Courts & the Criminal Justice System (13TH ED) Neubauer, David W. KF9619 .N4 2019 MAAG
CRJS 2603 Corrections: The Essentials (4TH ED) Stohr, Mary K. HV9275 .C6333 2022 MAAG
CRJS 2603 Corrections: The Essentials (3RD ED) Stohr, Mary K. HV9275 .C6333 2019 MAAG
CRJS 3710 Statistical Analysis in Criminal Justice and Criminology (3RD ED) Vito, Gennaro F. HV7415 .V57 2021x MAAG
CRJS 3712 The Practice of research in Criminology and Criminal Justice (8TH ED) Bachman, Ronet HV6024.5 .B33 2024x MAAG
CRJS 3715 Administration & Management in Criminal Justice: A Service Quality Approach (3RD ED) Allen, Jennifer M. HV7419 .A485 2019 MAAG
CRJS 3719 Criminal Law (12TH ED 2017) Samaha, Joel KF9219 .S26 2017 MAAG
CRJS 3721 Criminal Evidence (10TH ED) Ingram, Jefferson. KF9660 .K57 2009 MAAG
CRJS 3735 Criminology (Justice Series) (5TH ED 2020) Schmalleger, Frank HV6025 .S344 2020 MAAG
CRJS 3735 Introduction to Criminology: Why Do They Do It? (3RD ED 2021) Schram, Pamela J. HV6025 .S38 2021 MAAG
CRJS 3736 Victimology: Legal, Psychological, and Social Perspectives (5TH ED) Robertson, Cliff HV6250.3.U5 W35 2019 MAAG
CRJS 3752 Color of Justice: Race, Ethnicity, and Crime in America (6TH ED 2018) Walker, Samuel HV9950 .W33 2018X MAAG
CRJS 3777 Ohio Criminal Law Handbook 2024-2 Anderson   MAAG
CRJS 4851 Women, Gender & Crime: Core Concepts (1ST ED 2019) Mallicoat, Stacy L. PERSBK/MERRILL, MONICA/CRIMINAL JUSTICE MAAG
CRJS 5831 Violence: The Enduring Problem (3RD ED 2017) Alvarez, Alex PERSBK/MERRILL, MONICA/CRIMINAL JUSTICE MAAG
CSCI 3710 Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications (8TH ED 2021) Rosen, Kenneth QA39.3 .R67 2021x MAAG
CSCI 3750 Your UNIX/LINUX: The Ultimate Guide (3RD ED 2013) Das, Sumitabha QA76.76.O63 D3495 2013 MAAG
CSIS 1525 Survey of Operating Systems (7TH ED 2023) Holcombe, Jane QA76.77 .H65 2023 MAAG
CSIS 1525 Survey of Operating Systems (5TH ED 2017) Holcombe, Jane PERSBK/BAYRAK, COSKUN/CSIS MAAG
CSIS 1570 Web Standards: Mastering HTML5, CSS3 & XML (2014) Sikos, Leslie EBOOK: OHIOLINK EBC MAAG
CSIS 1590 Fundamentals Of Information Systems (9TH ED 2018) Stair, Ralph M. T58.6 .S717 2018x MAAG
CSIS 3722 A Guide to SQL (10TH ED) Shellman, Mark QA76.73.S67 S545 2021 MAAG
CSIS 3755 Principles of Information Security (7TH ED 2022) Whitman TK5105.59 .W54 2022x MAAG
CSIS 3756 Linux Basics for Hackers: Getting Started with Networking, Scripting, and Security in Kali (2018) OccupyTheWeb EBOOK: O'REILLY SAFARI MAAG
CSIS 3756 Principles of Computer Security: CompTIA Security+ and Beyond (6TH ED 2022) Conklin, Wm. Arthur EBOOK: O'REILLY SAFARI MAAG
CSIS 3782
CSIS 3784
CCNA 200-301 Official Cert Guide, Volume 1 (2ND ED 2025) Odom, Wendell V.1 EBOOK: O'REILLY MAAG
CSIS 3782
CSIS 3784
CCNA 200-301 Official Cert Guide, Volume 2 (2ND ED 2025) Odom, Wendell V.2 EBOOK: O'REILLY MAAG
DYHG 2620 Illustrated Anatomy of the Head and Neck (6TH ED 2021) Fehrenbach, Margaret J. QM535 .F44 2021x MAAG
DYHG 2620 Illustrated Dental Embryology, Histology, and Anatomy (5TH ED 2020) Fehrenback, Margaret J. RK280 .B27 2020x MAAG
DHYG 2630 Medical Emergencies: Essentials for the Dental Professional (2ND ED 2014) Grimes, Ellen B. RC86.7 .G76 2014 MAAG
DHYG 2630 Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist (14TH ED 2023) Boyd, Linda D. RK60.5 .W5 2023x MAAG
DHYG 3704 Dental Hygienist's Guide to Nutritional Care (6TH ED 2025) Mallonee, Lisa F. RK60.7 .M35 2025 MAAG
DHYG 3780 Mosby's Dental Drug Reference (13TH ED 2022) Mosby RK701 .M58 2022x MAAG
DHYG 3780 Applied Pharmacology for the Dental Hygienist (9TH ED 2024) Haveles, Elena Bablenis RK701 .R46 2024 MAAG
DHYG 3790 Local Anesthesia for the Dental Hygienist (3RD ED 2022) Logothetis, Demetra D. RK510 .L64 2022 MAAG
ECEN 2614
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (7TH ED 2021) Alexander, Charles K. TK454 .A452 2024x MAAG
ECEN 2633 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (7TH ED 2021) Alexander, Charles K. TK454 .A452 2024x MAAG
ECEN 3710 Signals and Systems Using MATLAB (3RD 2019) Chaparro, Luis F. EBOOK: O'REILLY SAFARI MAAG
ECEN 3733 Fundamentals of Logic Design (7TH ED) Roth, Charles TK1868 .L6 R67 2014 MAAG
ECEN 3741 Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics (7TH ED) Ulaby, Fawwaz QC760 .U49 2015 MAAG
ECEN 3742 Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics (7TH ED) Ulaby, Fawwaz T. QC760 .U49 2015 MAAG
ECON 2610 Principles of Microeconomics (VERSION 4.0) Rittenberg, Libby HB172 .R58 2022x MAAG
ECON 2610H Microeconomics: Principles for a Changing World (5TH ED) Chiang, Eric P. HB172 .C52 2020x MAAG
ECON 2630 Principles of Macroeconomics (8TH ED) Frank, Robert HB172.5 .F69 2022x MAAG
ECON 3702 Economics of Public Issues (19TH ED 2016) Miller, Roger Leroy HB171 .M544 2016 MAAG
EDFN 1501 Foundations of American Education Webb, L. Dean LA217.2 .W43 2017x CRC
EDFN 3708 The Autobiography of Malcolm X X, Malcolm BP223 .Z8 L57943 1993x CRC
EDFN 3708 Hunger of Memory Rodriguez, Richard F870 .M5 R62 2005 CRC
EDFN 3708 The Light in Their Eyes Nieto, Sonia LC1099.3 .N55 2010 CRC
EDFN 3708 Pedagogy of the Oppressed Friere, Paulo LB880 .F73 P4313 2018 CRC
EDFN 3710 Modern Classroom Assessment Frey, Bruce B. LB3051 .F734 2014 CRC
EET 1502 Principles of Electric Circuits - Conventional Current Version (10TH ED 2020) Floyd, Thomas L. TK454 .F56 2020 MAAG
EET 2620 Digital Systems: Principles and Applications (12TH ED 2017) Tocci, Ronald J. TK7868.D5 T62 2017 MAAG
EET 3725 Electricity & Electronics for Renewable Energy Technology: An Introduction (2016) Hemami, A. EBOOK: O'REILLY MAAG
ELIS 2601 Child Development: An Active Learning Approach Levine, Laura E. BF721 .L5225 2022 CRC
ELIS 2601 Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs   LB1139.25 .D48 2022x CRC
ELIS 2601 The Whole Child: Developmental Education for the Early Years Weissman, Patricia LB1140.23 .H46 2014 CRC
ELIS 3700 Constructive Guidance and Discipline Fields, Marjorie V. LB3012 .F54 2018 CRC
ELIS 3700 Positive Mindset Habits for Teachers Stevens, Grace LB2840.2 .S83 2018x CRC
ELIS 3702 The Common Core Mathematics Companion, Grades K-2 Gojak, Linda QA135.6 .G635 2015 CRC
ELIS 3702 Picture-Perfect STEM Lessons, K-2 Morgan, Emily R. LB1532 .M59 2017 CRC
ELIS 3704 Differentiating for the Young Child: Teaching Strategies Across the Content Areas, PreK-3 Smutny, Joan F. LB1523 .S59 2010 CRC
ELIS 3704 Nurturing Young Innovators Taddei, Laura McLaughlin LB1590.5 .T425 2017 CRC
ELIS 3704 Teaching Practices from America's Best Urban Schools Johnson, Jospeh F., Jr. LC5131 .J65 2019 CRC
ELIS 4801 Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong Loewen, James W. E175.85 .L64 2018x CRC
ELIS 4802 The Common Core Mathematics Companion, Grades 3-5 Gojak, Linda QA135.6 .G635 2016x CRC
ELIS 4802 Understanding by Design Wiggins, Grant P. LB2806.15 .W54 2005 c.2 CRC
ELIS 4803 Assessing Student with Special Needs Kritikos, Effie P. LC4031 .M42 2018 CRC
ELIS 4804 Best Practices at Tier 1 Gregory, Gayle LA219 .G78 2016 CRC
ELIS 4804 Differentiation in the Elementary Grades Doubet, Kristina LB1031 .D64 2018 CRC
ENGL 1509 ESL Writer's Handbook (2ND ED) Carlock, Janine PE1128 .C366 2018 MAAG
ENGL 1549 Norton Field Guide to Writing: With Readings & Handbook (6TH ED) Bullock, Richard PE1408 .B883824 2022 MAAG
ENGL 1550 Norton Field Guide to Writing: With Readings & Handbook (6TH ED) Bullock, Richard PE1408 .B883824 2022 MAAG
ENGL 1551 Norton Field Guide to Writing: With Readings & Handbook (6TH ED) Bullock, Richard PE1408 .B883824 2022 MAAG
ENGL 2618 War Dances (2009) Alexie, Sherman PS3551.L35774 W37 2009 MAAG
ENGL 2618 Between the World and Me Coates, Ta-Nehisi E185.615 .C6335 2015 MAAG
ENGL 2618 Water Dancer (2019) Coates, Ta-Nehisi PS3603.O17 W38 2019 MAAG
ENGL 2618 Beloved Morrison, Toni PS3563.O8749 B4 2006 MAAG
ENGL 2618 Native Guard (2006)
Trethewey, Natasha
PS3570.R433 N38 2007 MAAG
ENGL 2618 Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao (2007) Diaz, Junot PS3554.I259 B75 2007 MAAG
ENGL 2631 Parallel Myths Bierlein, J. F. BL311 .B54 1994 MAAG
ENGL 2650 Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft (10TH 2019) Burroway, Janet PN3355 .B79 2019 MAAG
ENGL 2650 Poetry: A Writer's Guide & Anthology (2ND ED 2014) Huey, Amorak PN1059 .A9 H84 2024 MAAG
ENGL 2651 Understanding Language Structure, Interaction & Variation: An Introduction to Applied Linguistics & Sociolinguistics for Nonspecialists (3RD ED 2014) Brown, Steven PERSBK/ENGLISH DEPARTMENT/ENGLISH MAAG
ENGL 2651 Understanding Language Structure, Interaction, and Variation Brown, Steven P121 .B774 2014 CRC
ENGL 3703 Blizzard Rocco, John jE ROCCJ BLIZ 2014 CRC
ENGL 3703 The Blue House Wahl, Phoebe jE WAHLP BLUE 2020 CRC
ENGL 3703 Charlotte's Web White, E.B. jF WHITE CHAR 1952 CRC
ENGL 3703 Chester's Way Henkes, Kevin jE HENKK CHES 1988 CRC
ENGL 3703 El Deafo Bell, Cece 362.4 B433 CRC
ENGL 3703 Doctor De Soto Steig, William jE STEIW DOCT 1982 CRC
ENGL 3703 Essentials of Children's Literature Short, Kathy Gnagey PN1009 .A1 L96 2018 CRC
ENGL 3703 Goin' Someplace Special McKissack, Pat jE MCKIP GOIN 2001 CRC
ENGL 3703 Juana & Lucas Medina, Juana jF MEDIJ JUAN 2016 CRC
ENGL 3703 Julius, the Baby of the World Henkes, Kevin jE HENKK JULI 1990 CRC
ENGL 3703 A Kick in the Head   811.008 K46 CRC
ENGL 3703 Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse Henkes, Kevin jE HENKK LILL 2006 CRC
ENGL 3703 The Little House Burton, Virginia Lee jE BURTV LITT 1942 CRC
ENGL 3703 Moses Goes to a Concert Millman, Isaac jE MILLI MOSE 2012 CRC
ENGL 3703 No Voice Too Small   811.608 M588 CRC
ENGL 3703 Ramona Quimby, Age 8 Cleary, Beverly jF CLEAB RAMO 2020 CRC
ENGL 3703 Some Writer! Sweet, Melissa 818.5209 S974 CRC
ENGL 3703 Voices in the Park Browne, Anthony jE BROWA VOIC 1998 CRC
ENGL 3710 Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Major Authors Volume 1 (10TH ED 2019) Greenblatt, Stephen PR1109 .N6 2019x MAAG
ENGL 3713 The Great Gatsby Fitzgerald, F. Scott PS3511.I9 G7 2021x MAAG
ENGL 3730 When Kids Can't Read, What Teachers Can  Do Beers, G. Kylene LB1050.5 .B45 2023 CRC
ENGL 3739 In the Middle : A Lifetime of Learning About Writing, Reading, and Adolescents Atwell, Nancie LB1631 .A72 2015 CRC
ENGL 3741 Argument in the Real World Turner, Kristen Hawley LB1631 .T825 2017 CRC
ENGL 3741 The Dynamics of Writing Instruction Smagorinsky, Peter LB1631 .D97 2010 CRC
ENGL 3741 The Reading/Writing Connection Olson, Carol Booth LB1631 .O55 2011 CRC
ENGL 3741 "They Say / I Say" The Moves that Matter in Academic Writing Graff, Gerald PE1431 .G73 2021x CRC
ENGL 3755 Understanding Language Structure, Interaction & Variation: An Introduction to Applied Linguistics & Sociolinguistics for Nonspecialists (3RD ED 2014) Brown, Steven PERSBK/ENGLISH DEPARTMENT/ENGLISH MAAG
ENGL 3755 Understanding Lanugage Structure, Interaction & Variation Brown, Steven P121.B774 2014 CRC
ENGL 4850 What is Sociolinguistics? Van Herk, Gerard P40 .V354 2018 CRC
ENGL 4851 Exploring Language Pedagogy through Second Language Acquisition Research   P118.2 .E967 2014 CRC
ENGL 4852 Teaching Reading to English Language Learners Herrera, G. Socorro PE1128 .A2 H4676 2015 CRC
ENST 2600 Environmental Science and Sustainability (2ND ED 2024) Sherman, Daniel J. GE140 .S43 2024 MAAG
ENTC 1505 Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering (7TH ED 2024) Moaveni, Saeed TA147 .M63 2024x MAAG
FIN 3720 Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (11TH ED) Brealey, Richard A. HG4026 .B6668 2023x MAAG
FIN 3720 Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (8TH ED) Brealey, Richard A. HG4026 .B6668 2015 MAAG
FNUT 1551 Understanding Nutrition (16TH ED) Whitney, Ellie QP141 .W46 2022x MAAG
FSCI 1510 Introduction to Forensic Science & Criminalistics (2ND ED) Harris, Howard A HV8073 .G274 2019 MAAG
FSCI 3720 Kirk's Fire Investigation (8TH ED) Icove, David J. TH9180 .K5 2018 MAAG
GEOG 1503 McKnight's Physical Geography: A Landscape of Appreciation (12TH ED) Hess, Darrel GB54.5 .H47 2017 MAAG
GEOG 2611 Introduction to Geospatial Technologies (6TH ED 2023) Shellito, Bradley A. G70.217.G46 S45 2023x MAAG
GEOG 2630 Atmosphere: An Introduction to Meteorology (14TH ED) Lutgens, Frederick K. QC861.2 .L87 2019x MAAG
GEOG 2640 Contemporary Human Geography (5TH ED 2023) Rubenstein, James GF41 .R8 2022x MAAG
GEOG 3713 Latin America and the Caribbean : Lands and Peoples (4TH ED) Clawson, David L. F1408 .C62 2006 MAAG
GEOL 1500 Mastering Geology 5TH ED 2015) Keller, Edward A. ON ORDER MAAG
GEOL 1500 Living with Earth: An Introduction to Environmental Geology Hudson, Travis QE38 .H83 2011
GEOL 1505 Essentials of Geology (7TH ED 2022) Marshak, Stephen QE28 .M3415 2022 MAAG
HEPE 2624 Children Moving Graham, George GV443 .G73 2020 CRC
HEPE 2624 Elementary Classroom Teachers as Movement Educators   GV452 .E44 2011 CRC
HIST 1511 Worlds Together, Worlds Apart: From the Beginnings of Humankind to the Present (4TH ED) Pollard, Elizabeth D21 .W675 2024x MAAG
HIST 1511 Worlds Together, Worlds Apart V.1 (2ND ED) Pollard, Elizabeth D21 .W942 2019x V.1 MAAG
HIST 1512 Worlds Together, Worlds Apart V.2 (2ND ED) Pollard, Elizabeth D21 .W942 2019x V.2 MAAG
HIST 2605
HIST 2606
Exploring American Histories: A Survey with Sources (4TH ED) Hewitt, Nancy A. E178.1 .H546 2022x MAAG
HIST 3712 Half American: The Epic Story of African Americans Fighting World War II at Home & Abroad Delmont, Matthew F. D810.B53 D45 2022 MAAG
HIST 3726 At the Dark End of the Street McGuire, Danielle L. E185.61 .M4777 2011 MAAG
HIST 3726 Sojourner Truth: A Life, a Symbol (1996) Painter, Nell E185.97.T8 P35 1996 MAAG
HIST 3726 Pocahontas and Powhatan Dilemma Townsend, Camilla D395 .B56 2008x MAAG
HIST 3748 Ohio: A History of the Buckeye State (2ND ED) Kern, Kevin F. F491 .K47 2023x MAAG
HIST 3749 The United States and Africa : A History Duignan, Peter DT38 .D85 1984 MAAG
HIST 3749 United States Foreign Policy Toward Africa: Incrementalism, Crisis, and Change Schraeder, Peter J. DT38 .W45 1994 MAAG
HIST 3750 Africans: The History of a Continent Iliffe, John PERSBK/AYANA, DANIEL/HISTORY MAAG
HIST 3750 Taking Sides: Clashing Views on African Issues   PERSBK/AYANA, DANIEL/HISTORY MAAG
HIST 3750 King Leopold's Ghost Hochschild, Adam PERSBK/AYANA, DANIEL/HISTORY MAAG
HIST 3750 Divide and Rule: The Partition of Africa, 1880-1914 Wesseling, H. L. DT28 .W4713 1996 MAAG
HIST 3751 History of Southern Africa   PERSBK/AYANA, DANIEL/HISTORY MAAG
HIST 3764 Vertigo Years: Europe, 1900-1914 Blom, Philipp D395 .B56 2008x MAAG
HIST 3764 Café Europa Revisited: How to Survive Post-Communism Drakulic, Slavenka HN380.7.A8 D73 2021 MAAG
HIST 3764 Industrial Revolutionaries: The Making of the Modern World 1776-1914 Weightman, Gavin HD2321 .W45 2007x MAAG
HIST 3764 City of Light, City of Shadows: Paris in the Belle Époque Rapport, Mike DC735 .R27 2024 MAAG
HIST 3764 In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror, and an American Family in Hitler's Berlin Larson, Erik E748.D6 L37 2011 MAAG
HIST 3775 Industrial Revolution in World History (5TH ED 2021) Stearns, Peter N. HD2321 .S74 2021x MAAG
HIST 3794 July 1914: Countdown to War (2013) McMeekin, Sean D511 .M33 2013 MAAG
HIST 3794 Vanquished: Why the First World War Failed to End (2016) Gerwarth, Robert D523 .G47 2017x MAAG
HIST 3794 All Quiet on the Western Front (Small Format) Remarque, Erich Maria PT2635.E68 I6613 1982x MAAG
HIST 3794 Vertigo Years: Europe, 1900-1914 Blom, Philipp D395 .B56 2008x MAAG
HIST 3794 Wasteland: The Great War and the Origins of Modern Horror (2019) Poole, W. Scott PN1995.9.H6 P64 2019x MAAG
HIST 3794 Storm of Steel: From the Diary of a German Storm-Troop Officer on the Western Front Junger, Ernst D640 .J69313 2004 MAAG
HIST 3794 First World War Strachan, Hew D521 .S86 2001 MAAG
HIST 3795 World Transformed: 1945 to Present (2ND ED 2016) Hunt, Michael H. D840 .H86 2016 MAAG
INFO 3774 Adobe Photoshop Classroom in a Book (2024) Chavez, Conrad EBOOK: O'REILLY SAFARI MAAG
INFO 3774 Adobe Illustrator: Classroom in a Book (2024) Wood, Brian EBOOK: O'REILLY SAFARI MAAG
ISEN 2610 Engineering Statistics (5TH ED) Montgomery, Douglas C. QA276.12 .M6453 2011 MAAG
ISEN 2624 Basics of Engineering Economy (3RD ED 2021) Blank, Leland T. TA177.4 .B565 2021 MAAG
JOUR 2602 Associated Press Stylebook (57TH ED) Associated Press PN4783 .A83 MAAG
JOUR 2602 Basics of Media Writing: A Strategic Approach Kuehn, Scott A. P96.A86 K84 2018 MAAG
JOUR 2605 Bomb: The Race to Build and Steal the World's Most Dangerous Weapon Sheinkin, Steve   MAAG
JOUR 2605 Mobituaries: Great Lives Worth Reliving Rocca, Mo CT105 .R59 2019 MAAG
JOUR 2605 All the Presidents Men Bernstein, Carl
Woodward, Bob
E860 .B47 2014x MAAG
JOUR 2605 The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates Moore, Wes F189.B153 M66 2010 MAAG
JOUR 2605 Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil: A Savannah Story Berendt, John F294.S2 B48 1994 MAAG
JOUR 2605 Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Thompson, Hunter S. PERSBK/DAVIS, DAN/JOURNALISM MAAG
JOUR 2605 Car Boms to Cookie Tables: The Youngstown Anthology Marino, Jacqueline
Miller, Will
JOUR 3725 News Reporting and Writing (13TH ED 2020) Missouri Group PERSBK/Richard Logan/Journalism MAAG
KSS 1560 Strength Training Anatomy (4TH ED) Delavier, Frederic QM151 .D454 2023 MAAG
KSS 1595 ACSM's Introduction to Exercise Science (4TH ED) Potteiger,Jeffrey QP301 .P637 2024x MAAG
KSS 2605 American Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED: Participant's Manual (4TH ED) American Red Cross RC86.8 .A443 2014 MAAG
KSS 2625 ACSM's Resources for the Group Exercise Instructor (2ND ED) American College of Sports Medicine GV341 .D385 2023 MAAG
KSS 3700 ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription (11TH ED 2022) Liguori, Gary RC684.E9 A37 2022x MAAG
KSS 3710 Exercise Physiology for Health, Fitness and Performance (6TH ED 2023) Smith, Denise QP301 .P56 2023x MAAG
KSS 3720 Manual of Structural Kinesiology (22ND ED) Floyd, R.T. QP303 .T58 2024x MAAG
KSS 3730 ACSM's Exercise Testing & Prescription (1ST ED) Bayles, Madeline P.
Swank, Ann M.
RM701.6 .A27 2018 MAAG
KSS 3760 ACSM's Foundations of Strength Training and Conditioning (2ND ED 2022) Ratamess, Nicholas GV546 .R33 2022 MAAG
MATC 1502 Law and Ethics for Health Professions (10TH ED 2024) Karen Judson R725.5 .J83 2024 MAAG
MATC 2620 Medical Assisting: Administrative and Clincal Procedures (8TH ED 2024) Booth, Kathryn ON ORDER MAAG
MATH 1513 Precalculus (5TH ED) Faires, J. Douglas QA331.3 .F342 2012x MAAG
MATH 1570 Technical Calculus with Analytic Geometry (5TH ed 2013) Kuhfittig, Peter K.F. QA303.2 .K84 2013 MAAG
MATH 1571
MATH 1572
Calculus (8TH ED) Stewart, James QA303.2 .S73 2016x MAAG
MATH 1581
MATH 1585
Calculus for Biology and Medicine (4TH ED) Neuhauser, Claudia QH323.5 .N46 2018 MAAG
MATH 2623 Common Sense Mathematics (2ND ED) Bolker, Ethan D.
Mast, Maura B.
QA63 .B65 2016 MAAG
MATH 2673 Calculus (8TH ED) Stewart, James QA303.2 .S73 2016x MAAG
MATH 3705 Fundamentals of Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (7TH ED) Nagle, R. Kent QA371 .N243 2018 MAAG
MATH 3715 Discrete Mathematics & Applications (7TH ED) Rosen, Kenneth QA39.3 .R67 2012 MAAG
MATH 3718 Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction (2ND ED) Poole, David QA184.2 .P66 2006 MAAG
MATH 3718 Discrete Mathematics & Applications (7TH ED) Rosen, Kenneth QA39.3 .R67 2012  
MATH 3720 Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction (2ND ED) Poole, David QA184.2 .P66 2006 MAAG
MATH 3750 Secret Lives of Numbers: A Global History of Mathematics and Its Unsung Trailblazers Kitagawa, Kate QA21 .K5 2024x MAAG
MATH 3750 Journey Through Genius: The Great Theorems of Mathematics Dunham, William QA21 .D78 1991b MAAG
MATH 3751 Elementary Real Analysis (2ND ED 2008) Thomson, Brian S. QA300 .T45 2008 MAAG
MATH 3768 College Geometry: A Problem-Solving Approach with Applications (2ND ED 2008) Musser Gary L. QA455 .M87 2008 MAAG
MCOM 1595 Introduction to Mass Communication: Media Literacy & Culture Baran, Stanley   MAAG
MCOM 3791 Media Promotion and Marketing for Broadcasting, Cable and the Internet (5TH ED 2006) Eastman, Susan Tyler EBOOK: O'REILLY SAFARI MAAG
MECH 1560 Engineering Graphics Text & Workbook (2ND ED) Craig, Jerry TA175 .C72 2008 MAAG
MECH 2603 Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach (9TH ED) Cengel, Yunus TJ265 .C43 2019x MAAG
MECH 2606 Materials Science & Engineering: An Introduction (9TH ED) Callister, William TA403 .C23 2014 MAAG
MECH 2641 Engineering Mechanics. Dynamics (14TH ED) Hibbeler, R.C. TA352 .H5 2016x MAAG
MECH 2641 Vector Mechanics for Engineers. Dynamics (12TH ED) Beer, Ferdinand P. TA350 .B35523 2019 MAAG
MECH 3762 Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design (11TH ED 2020) Budynas, Richard TJ230 .S5 2020 MAAG
MECH 4808 Engineering Design (5TH ED) Dieter, George TA174 .D495 2013 MAAG
MECH 6915 Metal Failures: Mechanisms, Analysis, Prevention (2ND ED) McEvily, Arthur TA460 .M382 2013x MAAG
MET 1515 Vector Mechanics for Engineers. Dynamics (12TH ED) Beer, Ferdinand P. TA350 .B35523 2019 MAAG
MGT 2604 The Legal Environment of Business: A Managerial Approach (2024 RELEASE) Melvin, Sean KF390.B84 M45 2024 MAAG
MGT 2604 The Legal Environment of Business: A Managerial Approach (4TH ED) Melvin, Sean KF390.B84 M45 2020
MGT 2604 The Legal Environment of Business: A Managerial Approach (3RD ED) Melvin, Sean KF390.B84 M45 2018 MAAG
MGT 3715 It Depends: Employee Relations Case Studies for Human Resources Professionals and Students Champ, Angela HF5549.15 .C45 2017x MAAG
MGT 3789 Principles of Operations Management: Sustainability and Sustainability (10TH ED) Heizer, Jay TS155 .R383 2017 MAAG
MKTG 3703 Marketing: Real People, Real Choices (11TH ED) Solomon, Michael HF5415.35 .S65 2022 MAAG
MKTG 3703 Marketing: Real People, Real Choices (9TH ED) Solomon, Michael HF5415.35 .S65 2018 MAAG
MKTG 3740 ABC's of Relationship Selling through Service (13TH ED) Futrell, Charles HF5438.25 .F869 2019x MAAG
MKTG 3740 ABC's of Relationship Selling through Service (12TH ED) Futrell, Charles HF5438.25 .F868 2013 MAAG
MLS 1502 Urinalysis and Body Fluids (7TH ED 2021) Strasinger, Susan King RB53 .S87 2021x MAAG
MLS 1503 Basic and Applied Concepts of Blood Banking and Transfusion Practices (5TH ED 2021) Howard, Paula R. RM172 .B54 2021 MAAG
MLS 2601 Clinical Chemistry Principles, Techniques, and Correlations (9TH ED 2023) Bishop, Michael L. RB40 .C576 2023 MAAG
MLS 2605 Molecular Diagnostics: Fundamentals, Methods, and Clinical Applications (3RD ED 2019) Buckingham, Lela RB43.7 .B83 2019 MAAG
MKTG 3745 Sales Force Management: Leadership, Innovation, Technology (13TH ED 2020) Johnston, Mark W. EBOOK: O'REILLY MAAG
MRCH 4877 Survey of Historic Costume: A History of Western Dress (3RD ED) Tortora, Phyllis GT580.T67 1998 MAAG
MUED 4822 Choral Music Methods & Materials: Developing Successful Choral Programs (Grades 5 to 12) (2ND ED) Demorest, Steven M. MT930 .B82 2014 MAAG
MUHL 2616 Concise Guide to Jazz (7TH ED) Gridley, Mark ML3506 .G736 2014 MAAG
MUHL 2616 Concise Guide to Jazz (DISCS) Gridley, Mark ML3506 .G736 2014 (2 DISCS) MAAG
MUHL 3771 Soundscapes: Exploring Music in a Changing World (3RD ED) Shelemay, Kay Kaufman MT90 .S53 2015 MAAG
MUIN 3765 Modern Recording Techniques: A Practical Guide to Modern Music Production (10TH ED 2024) Huber, David Miles TK7881.4 .H783 2024 MAAG
MUTC 1541
MUTC 2641
New Approach to Sight Singing (6TH ED) Berkowitz, Sol MT870.B485 N5 2017 MAAG
NURS 2610 Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7TH ED) American Psychological Association BF76.7 .P83 2020x MAAG
NURS 2610 Professional Nursing: Concepts & Challenges (10TH ED 2024) Perry Black, Beth RT82 .B53 2024x MAAG
NURS 2610 Professional Nursing: Concepts & Challenges (7TH ED) Perry Black, Beth RT82 .P755 2014 MAAG
NURS 2620 Exploring Medical Language (11TH ED 2022) Brooks, Myrna ON ORDER MAAG
NURS 2620 Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art & Science of Person-Centered Care (10TH ED 2023) Taylor, Carol RT41 .T396 2023 MAAG
NURS 2620 Henke's Med-Math: Dosage Calculation, Preparation, and Administration (10TH ED 2024) Buchholz, Susan RS57 .H46 2024x MAAG
NURS 2625 Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (15TH ED) Hinkle, Janice RT41 .T46 2022x MAAG
NURS 2625 Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (13TH ED) Hinkle, Janice RT41 .T46 2014 MAAG
NURS 2643 Physical Examination & Health Assessment (9TH ED) Jarvis, Carolyn RC76 .J37 2024 MAAG
NURS 2643 Physical Examination & Health Assessment (7TH ED) Jarvis, Carolyn RC76 .J37 2016 MAAG
NURS 2643 Physical Examination & Health Assessment (6TH ED) Jarvis, Carolyn RC76 .J37 2012x MAAG
NURS 2646 Pathophysiology: A Practical Approach (5TH ED) Story, Lachel RB113 .S84 2015 MAAG
NURS 2646 Pathophysiology: A Practical Approach (2ND ED) Story, Lachel RB113 .S84 2015 MAAG
NURS 2646 Introduction to Community-Based Nursing (5TH ED) Hunt, Roberta RT98 .H86 2013 MAAG
NURS 2647 Porth's Essentials of Pathophysiology (5TH ED 2020) Norris, Tommie RB113 .P668 2020x MAAG
NURS 2647 Karch's Focus on Nursing Pharmacology (9TH ED 2023) Tucker, Rebecca RM300 .K37 2023x MAAG
NURS 3710C Introduction to Community-Based Nursing (5TH ED) Hunt, Roberta RT98 .H86 2013 MAAG
NURS 3715 Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing (9TH ED 2023) Videbeck, Shelia RC440 .V536 2023x MAAG
NURS 3725 Informatics & Nursing: Opportunities & Challenges (6TH ED) Sewell, Jeanne RT50.5 .T483 2019 MAAG
NURS 3730 Transcultural Nursing : Assessment & Intervention (8TH ED) Giger, Joyce Newman RT86.54 .T73 2021x MAAG
NURS 3731 Maternity & Women's Health Care (11TH ED) Lowdermilk, Deitra RG951 .M318 2016 MAAG
NURS 3735 Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span (10TH ED) Edelman, Carole Lium RT90.3 .H435 2022x MAAG
NURS 3741
NURS 3743
Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (15TH ED) Hinkle, Janice RT41 .T46 2022x MAAG
NURS 3749
NURS 3750
Essentials of Nursing Research: Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice (10TH ED 2022) Polit, Denise RT81.5 .P63 2022 MAAG
PHIL 1560 Philosopher's Handbook: Essentials Reading from Plato to Kant Rosen. Stanley B72 .E93 2003x MAAG
PHIL 1560 Introduction to Philosophy: Classical & Contemporary Readings (9TH ED) Perry, John BD21 .I54 2022 MAAG
PHIL 1565 Critical Thinking Toolkit Foresman, Galen BC177 .F67 2017 MAAG
PHIL 1565 Critical Thinking: Consider the Verdict (6TH ED) Waller, Bruce N., BC177 .W3 2012 MAAG
PHIL 2612 A Presocratics Reader: Selected Fragments and Testimonia (2ND ED 2011) Curd, Patricia B187.5 .P75 2011 MAAG
PHIL 2612 Aristotle: Introductory Readings (1996) Aristotle B407 .A26 1996 MAAG
PHIL 2612 Hellenistic Philosophy: Introductory Readings (2ND ED 1997) Inwood, Brad B505 .H45 1997 MAAG
PHIL 2612 Five Dialogues: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, meno, Phaedo (2ND ED 2002) Plato B358 .J6813 2021x MAAG
PHIL 2625 Ethical Issues in Professional Life Callahan, Joan BJ1725 .E73 1988 MAAG
PHIL 2625 Ethics Across the Professions: A Reader for Professional Ethics (2ND ED) Martin, Clancy BJ1725 .E762 2017 MAAG
PHIL 2626 Ethics Within Engineering: An Introduction (2ND ED) Robison, Wade L. TA157 .R63 2024 MAAG
PHIL 2628 Business Ethics: The Big Picture Vopat, Mark / Tomhave, Alan HF5387 .B8768 2018 MAAG
PHLT 1513 Essentials of Environmental Health (3RD ED 2019) Friis, Robert RA565 .F75 2019 MAAG
PHLT 1531 Public Health 101: Improving Community Health (4TH ED 2025) Riegelman, Richard RA425 .R55 2025 MAAG
PHLT 1531 Public Health 101: Improving Community Health (3RD ED) Riegelman, Richard RA425 .R54 2019 MAAG
PHLT 1568 Your Health Today: Choices in a Changing Society (9TH ED) Teague, Michael L. RA440 .T43 2024 MAAG
PHLT 3708 Essentials of Public Health (4TH ED 2021) Birkhead, Gutherie S RA445 .T87 2021x MAAG
PHLT 3757 Human Diseases: A Systemic Approach (8TH ED 2015) Zelman, Mark RB111 .M83 2015 MAAG
PHLT 3791 Mckenzie's: An Introduction to Community and Public Health (10TH ED 2022) McKenzie, James RA445 .S43 2022x MAAG
PHYS 1501 Physics (5TH ED) Giambattista, Alan QC21.3 .G537 2020x MAAG
PHYS 1502 Physics (5TH ED) Giambattista, Alan QC21.3 .G537 2020x MAAG
PHYS 1506 Physics with Health Science Applications (2ND ED 2017) Urone, Paul Peter PERSBK/KOPCZYK, MICHAEL/PHYSICS MAAG
PHYT 8905 Essentials of Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy (3RD ED) Hillegass, Ellen RC702 .E88 2011 MAAG
POL 1560 We the People (Essentials Edition) Ginsberg, Benjamin JK276 .G55 2017b  
POL 1560 Understanding the Political World: A Comparative Introduction to Political Science Danziger, James N. JA66 .D36 2016 MAAG
POL  3702 Supreme Court (14TH ED 2021) Baum, Lawrence KF8742 .B35 2021 MAAG
POL 3757 High cost of Good Intentions: A history of U.S. Federal Entitlement Programs (2017) Cogan, John F. HJ7543 .C64 2017 MAAG
POL 3761 Four Ages of American Foreign Policy (2022) Mandelbaum, Michael EBOOK: OHIOLINK EBC MAAG
POL 3761 Dying By The Sword: The Militarization of US Foreign Policy (2023) Toft, Monica Duffy EBOOK: OHIOLINK EBC MAAG
POL 3765 The Jewish State Herzl, Theodor DS149 .H514 1988 MAAG
POL 3765 Start-Up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle (2009) Senor, Dan HC415.25 .S46 2011 MAAG
POL 3765 Politics and Government in Israel: The Maturation of a Modern State (3RD ED 2016) Mahler, Gregory S. JQ1830.A91 M34 2016 MAAG
POL 3767 Rising East Asia: The Quest for Governance, Prosperity, and Security (2021) Li, Chien-PIn DS518.14 .L5 2021 MAAG
PSYC 1560 Essentials of Understanding Psychology (14TH ED) Feldman, Robert S. BF121 .F337 2021 MAAG
PSYC 2600 Social Psychology (9TH ED 2016) Aronson, Elliot PERSBK/TANG, YING JOY/PSYCHOLOGY MAAG
PSYC 2607 Intimate Relationships, Marriages & Families (8TH ED 2011) Miller, Rowland PERSBK/TANG, JOY/PSYCHOLOGY MAAG
PSYC 3702 Abnormal Psychology: Clinical Perspectives on Psychological Disorders (10TH ED) Whitbourne, Susan Krauss RC454 .H334 2023 MAAG
PSYC 3758 Essentials of Life-Span Development (7TH ED) Santrock, John BF713 .S256 2022 MAAG
PSYC 3761 Thinking, Fast and Slow Kahneman, Daniel BF441 .K238 2011 MAAG
REL 2601 Religion Matters Reader Laycock, Joseph P. BL80.3 .L386 2021 MAAG
RELG 2605 Living Myth Tessier, L.J. BL312 .T47 2011 MAAG
SCWK 1510 Social Work : An Empowering Profession (9TH ED) Dubois, Brenda L. HV40 .D78 2019x MAAG
SCWK 2622 Social Work Skills for Beginning Direct Practice: Text, Workbook and Multimedia Interactive Case Studies (4TH ED) Cummins, Linda HV40 .C853 2018 MAAG
SCWK 2622 Social Work Skills for Beginning Direct Practice: Text, Workbook and Interactive Multimedia Case Studies (3RD ED) Cummins, Linda HV40 .C853 2012 MAAG
SCWK 2622 The Social Work Interview : A Guide for Human Service Professionals (5TH ED) Kadushin, Alfred. HV43 .K26 2013 MAAG
SCWK 2641 Social Welfare: A History of the American Response to Need (9TH ED 2018) Stern, Mark ON ORDER MAAG
SCWK 2641 Social Welfare: A History of the American Response to Need (8TH ED) Stern, Mark HV91 .S6235 2012 MAAG
SCWK 2642 Dimensions of Human Behavior: The Changing Life Course (7TH ED) Hutchison, Elizabeth HM251 .D55 2025 MAAG
SCWK 2642 Dimensions of Human Behavior: The Changing Life Course (5TH ED) Hutchison, Elizabeth HM1033 .D553 2015 MAAG
SCWK 2644 Human Behavior & the Social Environment: Shifting Paradigms in Essential Knowledge for Social Work Practice (7TH ED) Schriver, Joe M. HM1033 .S373 2020 MAAG
SCWK 3737 An introduction to Group Work Practice (8TH ED) Toseland, Ronald HV45 .T68 2017 MAAG
SCWK 3737 An introduction to Group Work Practice (5TH ED) Toseland, Ronald HV45 .T68 2005 MAAG
SCWK 3738 Family Therapy: An Overview (9TH ED) Goldenberg, Irene RC488.5 .G64 2017x MAAG
SCWK 3739 Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice: Putting Theory into Action (2ND ED) Morgaine, Karen HV40 .M667 2023x MAAG
SCWK 3739 Generalist Practice with Organizations & Communities (7TH ED) Kirst-Ashman, Karen K. HV40 .K464 2018 MAAG
SCWK 3739 Generalist Practice with Organizations & Communities (5TH ED) Kirst-Ashman, Karen K. HV40 .K464 2012 MAAG
SCWK 3743 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Skills: A Popular Culture Casebook Apporach (2ND ED 2015) Schwitzer, Alan  M. BF636.6 .S39 2015 MAAG
SCWK 3743 Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM 5-TR (5TH ED) American Psychiatric Association RC455.2.C4 A48 2022 MAAG
SCWK 3760 Foundations of Research Methods for Social Workers (2ND ED 2021) Grinnell, Richard HV11 .G756 2021x MAAG
SCWK 3760 Research Methods for Social Workers: An Introduction (10TH ED) Grinnell, Richard HV11 .G745 2014x MAAG
SCWK 3770 American Social Welfare Policy: A Pluralist Approach (7TH ED) Karger, Howard Jacob HV95 .K354 2014 MAAG
SCWK 3770 Becoming an Effective Policy Advocate: From Policy Practice to Social Justice (8TH ED) Jansson, Bruce S. HV40 .J36 2018x MAAG
SCWK 3770 Becoming an Effective Policy Advocate: From Policy Practice to Social Justice (7TH ED) Jansson, Bruce S. HV40 .J36 2014 MAAG
SCWK 4826 Planning & Conducting Agency-Based Research: Integrating Class and Field Work (4TH ED) Westerfelt, Alex HV11 .W47 2010 MAAG
SCWK 4826 Planning & Conducting Agency-Based Research (4TH ED) Westerfelt, Alex HV11 .W47 2010 MAAG
SCWK 4826 The Practicum Companion for Social Work: Integrating Class & Field Work (4TH ED) Birkenmaier, Julie HV11 .B44 2018 MAAG
SCWK 4826 The Practicum Companion for Social Work: Integrating Class & Field Work (3RD ED) Birkenmaier, Julie HV11 .B44 2011 MAAG
SCWK 4827 The Social Work Dictionary (6TH ED) Barker, Robert L. HV12 .B37 2014 MAAG
SCWK 6900 Understanding Human Behavior &the Social Environment (11TH ED) Zastrow, Charles HM1033 .Z37 2019x MAAG
SCWK 6901 Culturally Competent Practice: A Framework for Understanding (4TH ED) Lum, Doman HV3176 .C84 2011 MAAG
SCWK 6903 Direct Social Work Practice (10TH ED) Hepworth, Dean HV40 .H53 2017x MAAG
SCWK 6903 Direct Social Work Practice (9TH ED) Hepworth, Dean HV40 .H53 2013b MAAG
SCWK 6903 Strengths Perspective in Social Work Practice (6TH ED) Saleebey, Dennis HV41 .S827 2013 MAAG
SCWK 6905 Human Behavior in the Social Environment Kirst-Ashman, Karen K.   MAAG
SCWK 6907 Social Work Macro Practice (6TH ED) Netting, F. Ellen HV41 .N348 2017 MAAG
SCWK 7000 Theory & Practice of Counseling & Psychotherapy (11TH ED) Corey, Gerald BF637.C6 C574 2024x MAAG
SOC 1500 Sociology in Our Times: The Essentials (12TH ED) Kendall, Diana HM586 .K46 2021 MAAG
SOC 2650 Essential Abolitionist: What You Need to Know About Human Trafficking & Modern Slavery (2015) Vanek, John HQ281 .V38 2019x MAAG
SOC 3757 High cost of Good Intentions: A history of U.S. Federal Entitlement Programs (2017) Cogan, John F. HJ7543 .C64 2017 MAAG
SPED 3715 Student with Mild Exceptionalities Zentall, Sydney LC4705 .Z46 2014 CRC
SPED 4835 Behavior and Classroom Management in the Multicultural Classroom Shepherd, Terry L. LB3013 .S515 2015x  CRC
SPED 4853 Your Mathematics Standards Companion, Grades 6-8 Miles, Ruth Harbin QA135.6 .M549 2018 CRC
SPED 4866 Assessment in Special and Inclusive Education Salvia, John LB3051 .S245 2017 CRC
SPED 4867 Teaching Students with Language and Communication Disabilities Kuder, S. Jay LC4028 .K83 2018 CRC
SPED 4868 Teaching Students with High-Incidence Disabilities Prater, Mary Anne LC3969.45 .P733 2018 CRC
SPSY Best Practices in School Psychology, 6th edition   LB1051 .B39 2014x CRC
SPSY Best Practices in School Psychology, 7th edition   LB1051 .B39 2023 CRC
SPSY 6904 Crisis Counseling, Intervention, and Prevention in the Schools Sandoval, Jonathan LB1027.55 .C74 2012 CRC
SPSY 6905 The Psychology of Multiculturalism in the Schools Jones, Janine M. HM1271 .P79 2009x CRC
SPSY 6906 School Psychology for the 21st Century Merrell, Kenneth W. LB1027.55 .M47 2022 CRC
SPSY 6907 Practical Handbook of School Psychology Gimpel Peacock, Gretchen LB1027.55 .P72 2010 CRC
SPSY 6912 Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Young Children   LB1139.23 .M86 2019 CRC
STAT 2601
STAT 2625
Elementary Statistics: A Step-by-Step Approach: A Brief Version (8TH ED) Bluman, Allan G. QA276.12 .B585 2019 MAAG
STAT 3717 Introduction to Statistics & Data Analysis (5TH ED) Peck, Roxy QA276.12 .P422 2016 MAAG
STAT 3743 Statistics for Engineers & Scientists (6TH ED) Navidi, William Cyrus QA276.4 .N38 2024 MAAG
TCED 2601 Becoming a Multicultural Educator Howe, William A. LC1099.3 .H68 2024 CRC
TCED 6936 Instructional Design for Teachers: Improving Classroom Practice Carr-Chellman, Alison LB1028.38 .C36 2016 CRC
TEMC 3702 Introduction to Middle Level Education Powell, Sara Davis LB1623.5 .P69 2018 CRC
TEMC 3702 The Understanding by Design Guide to Creating High-Quality Units Wiggins, Grant P. LB2806.15 .W545 2011 CRC
TEMC 3703 Teaching Social Studies   H62 .T2868 2017 CRC
TEMC 3704 The Math Teacher's Toolbox Wong, Bobson QA11.2 .W663 2020 CRC
TEMC 3707 Science Instruction in the Middle and Secondary Schools Chiappetta, Eugene L.

Q183.3 .A1 C637 2015

TERG 2605 Literacy & Learning in the Content Areas Kane, Sharon LB1050.455 .K36 2019 CRC
TERG 2605 Teaching Reading Sourcebook Honig, Bill LB1573 .H4624 2018x CRC
TERG 3700 Equipped for Reading Success Kilpatrick, David A. LB1573.3 .K55 2018x CRC
TERG 3700 Phonics from A to Z Blevins, Wiley LB1573.3 .B553 2023 CRC
TERG 3700 Teaching Reading Sourcebook Honig, Bill LB1573 .H4624 2018x CRC
TERG 3711 Best Practices in Adolescent Literacy Instruction Hunchman, Kathleen A. LB1631 .B44 2014 CRC
TERG 3711 Content Area Reading: Literacy and Learning Across the Curriculum Vacca, Richard T. LB1050.455 .V33 2017 CRC
TERG 3720 The Writing Revolution 2.0 Hochman, Judith LB1047.3 .H633 2024 CRC
TERG 3720 Teaching Reading Sourcebook Honig, Bill LB1573 .H4624 2018x CRC
TERG 3730 Teaching Reading Sourcebook Honig, Bill LB1573 .H4624 2018x CRC
TERG 3730 Next STEPS in Literacy Instruction Smartt, Susan M. LB1573 .S68 2024 CRC
THTR 1585 Acting One / Acting Two (5TH ED) Cohen, Robert PN2061 .C579 2008 MAAG
THTR 1590 Film History: An Introduction (5TH ED) Thompson, Kristin PN1993.5.A1 T45 2022 MAAG
THTR 2661 Acting One / Acting Two (5TH ED) Cohen, Robert PN2061 .C579 2008 MAAG
THTR 2661 The Stage Manager's Toolkit: Templates and Communication Techniques to Guide Your Theatre Production from First Meeting to Final Performance Kincman, Laurie PN2085 .K57 2013 MAAG
THTR 2661 The Stage Manager's Toolkit: Templates and Communication Techniques to Guide Your Theatre Production from First Meeting to Final Performance Kincman, Laurie EBOOK: O'REILLY MAAG
THTR 2690 The Art of Watching Films Boggs, Joseph M. PERSBK/ELSER, JEANNE/THEATER AND DANCE MAAG
THTR 3761 Stage Makeup: The Actor's Complete Guide to Today's Techniques and Materials (1999) Thudium, Laura ON ORDER MAAG
THTR 3763 Art of Theatrical Design: Elements of Visual Composition, Methods, and Practice (2ND ED 2022) Mallory, Kaoime PN2091.S8 M263 2022 MAAG
THTR 3769 Magic Garment: Principles of Costume Design (2ND ED) Cunningham, Rebecca TT507 .C92 2009 MAAG
THTR 4891 The Norton Anthology of Drama V.1 (2ND ED) Norton & Company PN6112 .N67 2014 MAAG
THTR 4891 The Norton Anthology of Drama V.2 (2ND ED) Norton & Company PN6112 .N67 2014 MAAG
WMST 2601 Gendered Voices, Feminist Visions (7TH ED 2020) Shaw, Susan M. PERSBK/CUNNINGHAM, DEB/WOMENS STUDIES MAAG